WiNDC Paper Tutorial: Parameters in The Leakage File
The leakage file (WiNDC_bluenote_2016_leakage.gdx
) is
generated by running the file databuild.gms
It contains the following parameters and sets:
Parameter / Set | Description | Source |
a0 | Armington supply | Bluenote file |
bopdef0 | Balance of payments | Bluenote file |
co2 | CO2 emissions | Computed from data in bluenote file in readdata_econ.gms . |
dd0 | Regional demand from local market | Bluenote file |
dm0 | Margin supply from the local market | Bluenote file |
eps_ur | Elasticity of unemployed wrt wage rate | Declared in readdata_econ.gms . |
govadj | Government adjustment factor | Computed from data in bluenote file in readdata_econ.gms . |
hhadj | Household adjustment factor | Computed from data in bluenote file in readdata_econ.gms . |
i | Set of goods | Subset of s , bluenote file. |
id0 | Intermediate demand | Bluenote file |
kd0 | Capital demand | Bluenote file |
ld0 | Labor demand | Bluenote file |
m | Set of retail and transport margins | Bluenote file |
m0 | Imports | Bluenote file |
md0 | Margin demand | Bluenote file |
mrm0 | Margin state level demand | Computed in two steps: first generate gravity based trade elasticities
from data in the D-level dataset (DLevel.gdx ) in
gravity.gms , then use the output (gravity.gdx )
in usatrd.gms . |
mrt0 | Multi-regional trade | Computed in two steps: first generate gravity based trade elasticities
from data in the D-level dataset (DLevel.gdx ) in
gravity.gms , then use the output (gravity.gdx )
in usatrd.gms . |
n0 | Census population in 2016 | From census_population.csv . |
nd0 | Regional demand from national market | Bluenote file |
nm0 | Margin demand from the national market | Bluenote file |
r | Set of regions in the dataset | Bluenote file |
rx0 | Re-exports | Bluenote file |
s | Set of all sectors and final demand categories | Bluenote file |
s0 | Aggregate supply | Bluenote file |
ta0 | Tax net subsidy rate on intermediate demand | Bluenote file |
tm0 | Import tariff | Bluenote file |
totgdp | Aggregate GDP | Computed from data in bluenote file in gdpcalc.gms . |
ty0 | Production tax rate | Bluenote file |
u0 | Value of unemployed workers | Computed from unemployment rates (bls_urates_2016.gms )
and labor demand (bluenote file) in readdata_econ.gms . |
x0 | Exports of goods and services | Bluenote file |
xd0 | Regional supply to local market | Bluenote file |
xn0 | Regional supply to national market | Bluenote file |
yh0 | Household production | Bluenote file |
ys0 | Sectoral supply | Bluenote file |
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