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Visualizations: GDP

The map below shows the GDP per state in 2016. An interactive version of the map for the years 2000 to 2016 is available here. Below the map you will find details on how to generate the data for this map.

Choropleth map of the US indicating the level GDP in 2016 
            per US state with different shades of blue


The map is based on data in the WiNDC core database. Follow these steps to generate the data:

  1. Download and run the WiNDC build stream to create the WiNDC core database, WiNDCdatabase.gdx.
  2. Run the GAMS file gdpcalc.gms in the directory windc_build to calculate benchmark regional GDP levels and save the data in the file totgdp.gdx. The GDX file contains benchmark GDPs (in billions of USD) for all US states for the years 1997 to 2016.
  3. Extract the desired data from the GDX file, process it and visualize with your favorite visualization tool.