Online Seminars
Please contact us if you wish to join upcoming seminars.
We held a short course on "Economic Equilibrium Analysis with GAMS" in January 2022. See the course webpage for materials, code and recordings.
Tom Rutherford is a professor at the Universiy of the Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and the Institute for Discovery. Tom is also the Director of WiNDC. In this seminar Tom will cover the following topics: static and recursive 1 2 3 models, the Ramsey model, the WiNDC dynamic model and two-stage stochastic programming models.
The first WiNDC short summer course "Introduction to Applied General Equilibrium Modeling with the WiNDC Database" took place on July 19 -23, 2021. See the course webpage for details, materials, code and recordings.
Adam Christensen works as a scientist for WiNDC and he is also responsible for
special projects at GAMS. Adam created the new WiNDC data system for WiNDC 2.0.1,
that can be installed as a Python package. The WiNDC data system facilitates
processing data from government websites so that they become a suitable
input for the
WiNDC buildstream. In addition, the WiNDC data system (windc_data
has many other capabilities. Adam will illustrate the most important features
of this new Python package.
Xi He, Wendong Zhang and Edward Balistreri are economists at Iowa State University. They will introduce a new CARD dataset that can be used in quantitative economic modeling of the impact of COVID-19 on China's national and subnational economy at the provincial level. This dataset also provides monthly GTAP-sector and GTAP-sector by province level data when available. The presentation will also showcase some preliminary results of the impacts of COVID-19 on the Chinese economy based on this database and a multi-regional model for China.
Caroline Hughes is an Energy Data and Simulation Analyst in the DATA group at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Her research focuses on computational modeling, user experience design, and decision-making under uncertainty. Caroline Hughes and Maxwell Brown are developing the Scalable Linked Dynamic Equilibrium (SLiDE) model.