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Introduction to MPSGE
(Short Summer Course - Wednesday, July 21, 2021)


Introduction to the MPSGE framework for applied general equilibrium modeling based on small examples derived from Jim Markusen's computational economics course. These include a variety of "theory with numbers" models which illustrate the range of applications of computable general models.

Additional Materials

  1. Computational Exercise (Optimal Dating)
  2. Computational Exercise (Complete algebraic formulation of the model taht we already have in MPSGE.) -- The solution is given in the last link under GAMS Code.
  3. Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation: A Primer in Solving Econometrics Problems with GAMS (paper by Tom Rutherford and Huiming Wang, 2014)


  1. Wednesday morning -- first session
  2. Wednesday morning -- second session
  3. Wednesday afternoon -- first session
  4. Wednesday afternoon -- second session